Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Computer Scientists Attempt to Corner the Collatz Conjecture

Quanta Magazine: Computer Scientists Attempt to Corner the Collatz Conjecture

"A powerful technique called SAT solving could work on the notorious Collatz conjecture. But it’s a long shot."

Francis Su: How does mathematics contribute to human flourishing?

“Those of us who do math for a living actually are drawn to math often because of this exploratory nature, and we love the creativity,” Su said. “The argument that I make is that these virtues carry over to other areas of your life.”

Read Francis Su: How does mathematics contribute to human flourishing?

Sunday, July 4, 2021

New paper on the friendship paradox

The friendship paradox in real and model networks 

George T Cantwell, Alec Kirkley, and M E J Newman 

Journal of Complex Networks, Volume 9, Issue 2, April 2021 

Published: 27 May 2021